
Friday, October 14, 2011

Μάρεϊ και Φερέρ στον τελικό της Σανγκάης

Μάρεϊ και Φερέρ στον τελικό της Σανγκάης Ο Άντι Μάρεϊ και ο Νταβίντ Φερέρ θα βρεθούν αντιμέτωποι την Κυριακή (16/10) στον τελικό του Masters στη Σανγκάη, διεκδικώντας το βαρύτιμο τρόπαιο μετά τις νίκες τους κόντρα σε Νισικόρι και Λόπεζ αντίστοιχα. Μπορεί ο κάτοχος του τροπαίου, Άντι Μάρεϊ να ... Μάρεϊ και Φερέρ στον τελικό της Σανγκάης

I found adrift off the coast of the U.S. Midway small boat tsunami 3,000 km

I found adrift off the coast of the U.S. Midway small boat tsunami 3,000 km Research Center of Hawaii International Pacific Ocean - New York - U.S. joint by 14, in the North Pacific Ocean about 3100 km away from the Tohoku region of Japan near the Midway Islands U.S. likely due to the earthquake and tsunami that swept East "Fukushima "The Russian ship is floating in a small boat and refrigerators containing display ...I found adrift off the coast of the U.S. Midway small boat tsunami 3,000 km

Zemākā gaisa temperatūra reģistrēta Zosēnos: -2,8 grādi

Zemākā gaisa temperatūra reģistrēta Zosēnos: -2,8 grādi Zemākā gaisa temperatūra sestdienas rītā reģistrēta Zosēnu meteoroloģiskajā stacijā, kur termometra stabiņš noslīdēja līdz -2,8 grādiem, liecina Latvijas Vides, ģeoloģijas un meteoroloģijas centra (LVĢMC) dati. Zīlānos pie Jēkabpils gaiss atdzisa līdz ... Zemākā gaisa temperatūra reģistrēta Zosēnos: -2,8 grādi


美国拟因暗杀事件最大程度孤立伊朗 国际在线报道(驻伊朗记者罗来安):在美国司法部门近日指控伊朗政府卷入暗杀沙特阿拉伯驻美大使的阴谋后,美国总统奥巴马13号表示,他将对伊朗采取最严厉制裁,并动员国际社会进一步孤立伊朗。但是,伊朗方面断然否认了 ... 美国拟因暗杀事件最大程度孤立伊朗

Protestors and police clash again on Wall Street

Protestors and police clash again on Wall Street New York 14 Wall Street protests have mainly followed the youth, the police and protestors clash again became a big mess. In the park near Wall Street in world financial center, is followed by about one month in protest against the unequal society such as young people 泊Mari込N. ...Protestors and police clash again on Wall Street


山西焦煤资源税维持8元/吨征收不变 负责资源税征收的山西省地税局昨日表态称,11月1日以后,山西省普通煤炭和焦煤资源税征收暂时仍维持原定额度,其中焦煤资源税维持8元/吨征收不变。未来提高征收额,须向国家相关部门提交报告,并待审批、发文后方可执行 ... 山西焦煤资源税维持8元/吨征收不变

9月CPI涨6.1% 涨幅连降两月(组图)

9月CPI涨6.1% 涨幅连降两月(组图) 中国国家统计局昨天宣布,中国9月居民消费价格指数(CPI)同比上涨6.1%,同比涨幅降至四个月低位,但降幅缩小,环比仍上涨0.5%。而中国9月工业生产者出厂价格指数(PPI)同比上涨6.5%,环比持平。专家认为,国内通胀压力仍不 ... 9月CPI涨6.1% 涨幅连降两月(组图)

[美FTA ratification] MB next to this guy as an interpreter three presidential throne

[美FTA ratification] MB next to this guy as an interpreter three presidential throne Gimjinmyeong reporters in Washington on the 12th PM hansikdang 'wooraeok' Facing President Obama sat in a President Lee's ohreunpyeonen 30 was a young man smiling with bright faces. Schedule for the President's State Visit to the United States over the interpretation gimilbeom being performed (38, 33 Notice of Foreign Affairs this week, pictured) Blue House ...[美FTA ratification] MB next to this guy as an interpreter three presidential throne

Governo: pensões acima de €1500 euros não sofrerão corte

Governo: pensões acima de €1500 euros não sofrerão corte A Frente Sindical da Administração Pública afirma que recebeu a garantia do Governo que as reformas da Função Pública acima de 1500 euros não vão sofrer cortes. Clique para visitar o dossiê Orçamento do Estado 2012 O Governo assegurou hoje à Frente ... Governo: pensões acima de €1500 euros não sofrerão corte

Silvio Berlusconi of Italy, by a parliamentary vote of confidence in government

Silvio Berlusconi of Italy, by a parliamentary vote of confidence in government October 14, Italian Prime Minister Silvio Berlusconi (back left) in the House of Representatives in Rome to accept congratulations. Berlusconi's government passed a vote of confidence in Parliament. Xinhua News Agency / Reuters • Where annotated as other media sources, are reproduced from other media, does not mean that Ben Wang reproduced agree with their ...Silvio Berlusconi of Italy, by a parliamentary vote of confidence in government

Nevidni delavci v NLB po pravičnejši svet

Nevidni delavci v NLB po pravičnejši svet Pred pisanjem je smiselno prebrati pravila foruma. Urednišvo bo po svoji presoji sporna sporočila izbrisalo in po potrebi posameznim avtorjem odvzelo možnost pisanja. Opozorilo: po Kazenskem zakoniku KZ-1 je posameznik kazensko odgovoren za ... Nevidni delavci v NLB po pravičnejši svet

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